Dwayne Johnson, famously known as “The Rock,” never misses an opportunity to share the sweet bond he shares with his daughters. Recently, the Hollywood star posted a heartwarming video on Instagram, where his two young daughters, Jazzy and Tia, gave him a playful makeover. In the video, his little girls are seen enthusiastically applying eye shadow and makeup on their dad, much to his amusement. Johnson, always the doting father, captioned the video with a humorous reflection on the moment, stating, “What started off with my two tornadoes asking to put some eye shadow on me, and me saying — ‘yes but make it quick and make it cool, because I gotta go to the gym.’”
Despite the chaos of his daughters’ “artistic” efforts, Johnson remains all smiles, acknowledging that these moments won’t last forever. He added a touching sentiment, saying, “I know they won’t always be little or prefer hanging out with daddy when they’re older, but they’ll always be my baby girls.” Fans can’t get enough of this heartwarming father-daughter moment, as the beloved actor once again reminds us of the simple joys of parenthood.
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