Despite being a series, “Prison Break” has earned this title. It first aired in 2005 and has captivated audiences ever since.
The series follows a man wrongfully convicted of murder and his elaborate plan to escape prison and prove his innocence.
Ghanaians chose it as the best due to its suspenseful plot, action-packed scenes, and memorable characters.
Other notable contenders in the poll include “Stranger Things” with 667 votes, “Friends” with 501 votes, “The Big Bang Theory” with 384 votes, “The Office” with 135 votes, “The Walking Dead” with 731 votes, and a few others.
In a Pulse WhatsApp poll of 772,000 followers, “Prison Break” received 7,900 votes as the greatest movie of all time, while “Game of Thrones” came in second with 2,700 votes.
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