Nigerian life coach and writer Solomon Buchi and his wife Arike have shared the exciting news that they are expecting their first child. The couple, who tied the knot two years ago, posted stunning photos from their pregnancy shoot on Instagram, accompanied by the heartwarming caption, “Celebrating two years of marriage with our greatest blessing. An anniversary to remember.”
In addition to the announcement, Solomon and Arike also shared a special gender reveal video on their YouTube channel, adding even more excitement to the occasion. This announcement comes as a beautiful milestone in their journey together, as they reflect on their love and commitment over the past two years. Fans and well-wishers have flooded the couple’s social media with congratulatory messages, as Solomon and Arike prepare to embrace parenthood with joy and gratitude. Their story is a testament to love, patience, and the beauty of growing a family in perfect timing.
See their announcement below.
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